Coastal Dental Instruments
Coastal Dental Specialists are leading specialists in complex endodontic cases requiring an individualistic treatment approach. With over 23 years of experience in the field of Endodontics, Dr Patrick Caldwell is superiorly equipped to effectively treat difficult and advanced specialist cases with patience and empathy. If you have questions relating to a potential treatment, please see our Treatment FAQs below.

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Will I have multiple appointments?

It is likely, yes. Depending on the individual tooth and how it responds to the initial Root Canal therapy, you may need to come back into the practice for the medication to be replaced. A final appointment will see us permanently fill the root.

Is there an alternative to a Root Canal?

We always try to preserve the original tooth where possible as it will always function better than an artificial tooth. Endodontic Therapy allows us to do this, so it is a preferred treatment over extraction.

Is Endodontic Therapy a final solution?

Most of the time, yes. We recommend regular assessments in the years following a Root Canal to monitor the health of the tooth. In rare cases, we may see reinfection which will likely lead to retreatment.

What instruments are used to perform the surgery?

We use only state of the art technology to perform the procedure, typically including an Operating Microscope along with ultrasonics and Bioceramic materials to provide the best possible recovery outcomes for the tooth.

What pain relief is offered for the procedure?

In milder cases we can utilise a local anaesthetic and perform the procedure with very minimal patient discomfort. In more complex cases, we may opt for IV sedation. We will discuss these options at your appointment.

What if I am anxious about my surgery?

It is normal to feel anxious about a medical procedure and our aim is to make your experience as comfortable as possible. At Coastal Dental Specialists we offer twilight sedation for endodontic and/ or surgical procedures for patients who express fear, anxiety or nervousness about their procedure.

What are the benefits of twilight sedation?

Twilight sedation has an amnesic affect, which allows patients to relax and have their procedure performed while in a calm state. Most patients report having very little memory of the process upon “waking up” and feel much more relaxed about their surgical experience.

Do I need to fast before having twilight sedation?

Yes. You will receive detailed information prior to your appointment, but as a general rule we require patients undergoing twilight sedation to fast for six (6) hours prior.

How is the sedation administered?

Twilight sedation is administered Intravenously (IV) via a small plastic drip in your arm or hand. There is very minimal discomfort associated with inserting the drip thanks to our specialists who routinely utilise Dental Intravenous for patients.

Will I be able to drive myself home after my procedure?

Unfortunately, no. Following the use of twilight sedation we will ask you to remain at the practice for one hour (for monitoring) and you will need to arrange for someone to pick you up. We recommend resting for the remainder of the day.

Am I a suitable candidate for Dental Implants?

There is no blanket criteria to assess your suitability for Dental Implants. At the time of your appointment Dr Campbell will assess the health of your gums and the amount of bone available to hold the implant/s in place and take into consideration your general health, smoking status and access to routine dental care.

How do I care for my dental implants?

We recommend using a soft bristled toothbrush to brush at least twice a day, with daily flossing. It’s important to visit your general dentist for six monthly check-ups to have the implant/s (and surrounding teeth) cleaned.